
Camila Luz Corvalan Aguilar

Assistant Professor



Líneas de Investigación

Crecimiento y Desarrollo Infantil; Obesidad Infantil; Programas de Prevención


  •  Public Health, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2003
  •  Medical Doctor, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 2001
  •  PUBLIC HEALTH, EMORY UNIVERSITY. Estados Unidos, 2008

Experiencia Académica

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time



    Santiago, Chile

    2008 - 2011

  •   Assistant Professor Full Time


    Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology

    Santiago, Chile

    2011 - A la fecha

Experiencia Profesional




    2008 - A la fecha

Formación de Capital Humano

• 2021-2024 Fernanda Mujica. “Associations between maternal B-12 concentration and disturbances of maternal glucose metabolism and neonatal adiposity in the COVID-
19 era” [In progress]. CONICYT Postdoctoral Competition, University of Chile.
• 2015-2017 Rebecca Kanter. “Impact evaluation of the Chilean Law of Food Labelling and Advertising” [Finished]. CONICYT Postdoctoral Competition, University of Chile.
• 2012-2015 Ana Pereira. “Early growth and breast-tissue composition at the end of breast development: disentangling the pathways to breast cancer risk in Chilean girls”
[Finished]. CONICYT Postdoctoral Competition, University of Chile.
• 2011-2013 Carolina Aguirre. CONICYT Postdoctoral Competition, University of Chile.

• 2020 Isabel Pemjean. "Entornos alimentarios y COVID-19: abastecimiento y cambios en la dieta en pandemia" [In progress]. Doctorate in Public Health, School of
Public Health, University of Chile.
• 2019 Camila Zancheta. “Métodos estadísticos asociados a análisis longitudinales de dieta” [In progress]. Doctorate in Public Health, School of Public Health,
University of Chile.
• 2014-2021 Laura Prieto. “Protective effect of predominant breastfeeding on excess adiposity of infants at 6 months of age: a study in Chilean infants in the South East
Zone of the Metropolitan Region” [Finished]. Doctoral Program in Food and Nutrition, University of Chile.
• 2010-2015 Gustavo Cediel. “Niveles de vitamina D y maduración esquelética y adrenal en niños prepúberes chilenos” [Finished]. Doctoral Program in Food and Nutrition,
University of Chile, Chile.

• 2021 Camila Acevedo. "Calidad de la dieta durante la pandemia COVID-19 en niños, adolescentes y madres participantes de las cohortes CIAPEC-INTA del área
SurOriente de Santiago" [In progress]. Master in Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
• 2020-2022 José Ocaña. Tesis: “Caracterización de preescolares y escolares con menor respuesta a la Ley de Etiquetados de Alimentos de Chile” [In progress]. Master in
Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
• 2019-2022 Mario Aldana. “Relación entre el tipo de alimentación en los primeros cuatro meses de vida y el consumo de alimentos ultraprocesados a los 2 años de edad
en una cohorte de lactantes Chilenos del área área Sur oriente de Santiago” [In progress]. Master in Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology
(INTA), University of Chile.
• 2017-2018 Camila Belen Castro. “Trayectorias de adiposidad desde el nacimiento a la pubertad: potenciales diferencias en niños y niñas participantes del Estudio
Chileno de Crecimiento y Obesidad” [Finished]. Master in Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
• 2017-2018 Leonila Valenzuela. “Asociación entre niveles de glicemia durante el embarazo y estado nutricional en los primeros dos años de vida en beneficiarios del
sistema público de salud del área Sur Oriente de Santiago” [Finished]. Master in Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of
• 2016-2018 Carolina Venegas. “Consumo de edulcorantes en preescolares chilenos de nivel socioeconómico medio-bajo y su asociación con variables
sociodemográficas, antropométricas y antecedentes maternos” [Finished]. Master in Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of
• 2016-2017 Gina Bautista. “Crecimiento de 0 a 2 años y prevalencia de obesidad y alteraciones metabólicas al inicio de la pubertad en participantes del Estudio Chileno
de Crecimiento y Obesidad (ECO)” [Finished]. Master in Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
• 2016-2016 María Alejandra Córdoba. “Asociación entre diferentes indicadores de adiposidad y dureza arterial en adolescentes de Guatemala” [Finished]. Master in
Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
• 2015-2016 María Fernanda Sánchez. “Cambios en el consumo de alimentos procesados en hogares guatemaltecos entre 2006 y 2011” [Finished]. Master in Nutrition,
Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
• 2014-2015 Diana Mongui. “Asociación entre escolaridad materna y exceso de peso en diadas madres-hijos participantes del Estudio Chileno de Crecimiento y Obesidad
(ECO) en el año 2006 y 2012” [Finished]. Master in Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
• 2014-2016 Claudia Villablanca. “Comparación del estado nutricional y metabólico según edad de la telarquia en niñas del Estudio Chileno de Crecimiento y Obesidad
(ECO)” [Finished]. Master in Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
• 2014-2016 María José Arias. “Asociación entre la condición física y la frecuencia cardíaca de recuperación en escolares chilenos de 6 a 9 años” [Finished]. Master in
Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
• 2013-2014 Marifé Quirola. “Determinantes antropométricos, metabólicos y hormonales de telarquia adelantada en niñas Chilenas de nivel socioeconómico medio-bajo”
[Finished]. Master in Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
• 2012-2013 Daniela González. “Empleo Materno y obesidad y conductas obesogénicas en preescolares asistentes a la Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles del Estado
(JUNJI)” [Finished]. Master in Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
• 2012-2013 Laura González. “Efecto del Momento del Rebote Adiposo en el estado cardiometabólico a los 7 años” [Finished]. Master in Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and
Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
• 2010-2011 Loreto Pantoja. “Tabaquismo Materno durante el embarazo y su asociación con Obesidad en preescolares” [Finished]. Master in Public Health, School of
Public Health, University of Chile.
• 2010-2011 Rodrigo Retamal. “Comparación de distintas mediciones del cambio en el Índice de Masa Corporal en la infancia en su predicción de la adiposidad a los
cinco años” [Finished]. Master in Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of Chile.

• 2014-2014 Carla Cuevas. “Síndrome de Ovario Poliquístico (SOP) y su relación con Adrenarquia, Adiposidad y Resistencia a la Insulina” [Finished]. Diploma in Clinical
Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA), University of Chile.
• 2008-2008 Yareni Gutiérrez-Gómez. “Estado nutricional de preescolares asistentes a la Junta Nacional de Jardines Infantiles del área Sur de Santiago de Chile:
concordancia entre indicadores de obesidad y obesidad central” [Finished]. Diploma in Clinical Nutrition, Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA),
University of Chile.
• 2008-2008 Jorge Ramírez. “Evaluación de la efectividad de una intervención educativa en los médicos tratantes de enfermos diabéticos de atención primaria del Servicio
de Salud Metropolitano Oriente” [Finished]. Diploma.

Difusión y Transferencia

Since March 2022 Member of the Working Group: Healthy Taxes, Ministry of Health (MINSAL), Chile
Since Sept 2019 Member of the permanent advisory committee of the program Choose to Live Healthy (Elige Vivir Sano). Ministry of Social Development (MIDESO), Chile.
Since Mayo 2019 Member of the Experts' Committee to review the malnutrition standars in children under 6yo, Ministry of Health (MINSAL), Chile.
Sept 2021-Jan 2022 Participation as an expert in the Food Table of the Forestry and Agricultural Sustainability Council [virtual]. Center for Studies in Processed Foods (CEAP),
Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation, Chile.
Jan-Dec 2020 Member of the group of experts to search for evidence on milk fat for the National Complementary Food Program (PNAC). Ministry of Health (MINSAL),
Oct 2016 Member of the Experts' Work Group for the chapter "Nutritional intervention strategy through the Life Cycle", Ministry of Health (MINSAL), Chile.
Jan 2016 Experts' Seminar “Construction of a conceptual framework on conditioning factors of food environments in Chile” Ministry of Health (MINSAL), Chile

2021-today Member of the Lifestlye Workgroup of the Latin American and Caribbean Code Against Cancer. IARC and PAHO/WHO. Sao Paulo Brazil.
2021-today Member of the Next Gen(d)eration Leadership Initiative.
2021-today Member of the Permanent Committee of the Workshop of Leaders in Nutrition in Latin America (LILANUT).
Oct 2020- Member of the "ANH Academy Technical Working Group on mental Health". ANH Academy. London, UK.
Feb 2020- Member of the Expert advisory group on childhood overweight and obesity prevention. UNICEF. New York, USA.
2020-today Member of the Policy and Prevention Committee. World Obesity. UK.
2020-today Member of the Panel "Applied Global Health Research Board". Medical Research Council. UK.
2019-2020. Member of the Independent Expert Group (IEG). Global Nutrition Report. Londres, UK.
2016-2017 Member of the expert panel of the report “The Cost of the Double Burden of Malnutrition in the Latin American Region: social and economic cost”. World Food
2021-2014 Advisor on epidemiological issues related to analysis. Nuclear techniques to assess body composition in children and adolescents as a risk factor in the
development of chronic diseases. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), United Nations. Vienna, Austria.


2020 Member of the Study group "Applied Global Health Research Board". Medical Research Council. Londres, UK.
2020 Project Reviewer at "Ciencia de Frontera 2019". CONACYT. Mexico.
2019 Project review panel member at Scale Up – Hypertension & Diabetes of the Global Alliance of Chronic Disease (GACD), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2018 Scientific Committee Member at I Jornada de Cohortes Poblacionales Latinoamericanas para el Estudio de Enfermedades Crónicas –COPLAS Linares, Chile.
2015 Member of the Scientific Committee of the World Nutrition Conference. Buenos Aires, Argentina
2014 Project Reviewer at the Training Grant Wellcome Trust, UK.
2013-2014 Member of the Study Group \2-G3, Comisión Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, CONICYT, Chile.
2009 Member of the Scientific Committee of the Public Health group of the 15th Latin-American Congress of Nutrition, Santiago, Chile.


Nov 2020 Reviewer of the Landscape Study “Overweight and obesity in Children (0-9y) and Adolescents (10-19y) in India. UNICEF. New York, USA.
Oct 2020 Key note speaker at the extended virtual dialogue with the scientific world and academia on the FAO agenda "Transforming food systems to provide healthy diets
for all". FAO
Ago 2020 Member of the experts’ committee for the report "Global Alliance for the Future of Food". Tasting the Future. London, UK.
Jul 2020 Member of the Senior Experts Committee for the report “Child Nutrition Report on Child Diets 2020”. UNICEF. New York, USA.
Mar 2020 Member of the Experts’ Committee for the report "Building Momentum: lessons on implementing robust restrictions of food and non-alcoholic beverage marketing
to children". WCRF London, UK
2019-2020 Member of the Experts’ Committee for the report "Building Momentum: lessons on implementing robust front-of-pack food label". World Cancer Research Fund
International (WCRF). London, UK.
2019 Reviewer of the chapter about Front-of-Package Labeling on the book “Current state of public policy and recommendations to prevent and control obesity in
Mexico”. Mexico, INSP.
Abr 2019 Participation as an expert in a group of chronic noncommunicable diseases in Costa Rica. Costa Rica.
Nov 2017 Participation as an Expert in the Technical Consultation on Front Labeling of Food Products and Beverages at PAHO/WHO. Washington D.C., USA.
Jun 2017 Participation as an Expert in the “Annual Meeting for Partners of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Obesity Prevention Program”. Bloomberg Philanthropies, USA.
Jun 2017 Participation as an Expert in the seminar “Healthier Food Systems in Latin America and Caribbean”, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Jun 2017 Interview for the report "Development and Implementation Processes of the Food Labeling and Advertising Law in Chile". Global Delivery Initiative, World Bank
May 2017 Participation as an Expert in the Meeting of Experts on Obesity Prevention, Bloomberg Philanthropies, New York, USA.
2016 Member of the panel for the Implementation of public policies to promote healthy diets in Chile. Global Nutrition Report 2016: From promise to impact: ending
malnutrition by 2030. International Food Policy Research Institute.
Junio 2016 Participation as an expert “Latin America: an overview of its epidemiological and nutritional transition”. Workshop: Prevention of Childhood Obesity in Latin America:
Linking Evidence with Policy and Practice”. Center for Global Health Studies (CGHS), NIH Fogarty International Center. Bethesda, MD, USA.
Jul 2014 Participation as an expert in epidemiological issues related to body composition in children and adolescents International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). United
Nations, Vienna, Austria.
May 2014 Participation as an expert in the International Agency of Atomic Energy (IAEA) Meeting, United Nations, Vienna, Austria.
Sept 2013 Participation as an expert in the Cohort Consortium of Developing Countries, Granada, Spain.
Jul 2013 Participation as an expert in the Puberty Consortium of the National Institute of Health (NIH). INTA, NIH. Bethesda, USA.
Nov 2010 Participation as an expert in the Workshop: Healthy Growth in Latin America: between obesity and undernutrition. Danone Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2008 Member scientific reviewer committee software WHO Anthro Plus WHO.
May 2006 Participation as a Student in Prevention of childhood obesity in Mexico and the US. American Institute of Medicine (IOM) and Mexican National Institute of Public
Health (INSP). Cuernavaca, México.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   • Researcher with publications within 10% ISI ranking University of Chile


    Chile, 2013

    • Researcher with publications within 10% ISI ranking University of Chile

  •   • Best Researcher School of Public Health, University of Chile


    Chile, 2010

    • Best Researcher School of Public Health, University of Chile

  •   • Travel Award, 2o Congreso Mundial de Salud Pública y Nutrición Porto, Portugal


    Portugal, 2010

    • Travel Award, 2o Congreso Mundial de Salud Pública y Nutrición Porto, Portugal

  •   Award for outstanding research and publication record


    Chile, 2021

    Premio de la Universidad de Chile para académicos destacados en su trabajo de investigación

  •   Award for outstanding research and publication record


    Chile, 2018

    Premio otorgado por la Universidad de Chile a académicos destacados en su labor investigativa

  •   Award for outstanding research and publication record


    Chile, 2017

    Premio otorgado por la Universidad de Chile a académicos destacados en su labor investigativa

  •   Award for outstanding research


    Chile, 2016

    Premio otorgado por la Universidad de Chile a académicos destacados en su labor investigativa

  •   Award for outstanding research


    Chile, 2014

    Premio otorgado por la Universidad de Chile a académicos destacados en su labor investigativa

  •   Best Researcher School of Public Health


    Chile, 2008

    Premio otorgado por la Escuela de Salud Pública de la Universidad de Chile a académicos destacados en su labor investigativa

  •   Academic excellence award Dr. Hernán Gouët for best comprehensive graduate of the Medicine career


    Chile, 2001

    Premio a la mejor estudiante integral graduada de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile

  •   Most cited Observational Paper in 2019 in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

    International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

    Estados Unidos, 2022

    Premio de la revista International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

  •   Mejor Investigador Senior en Obesidad

    Banco Santander

    Chile, 2014

    Premio a la investigación en obesidad del Banco Santander

  •   Language excellence award 2005: English as second language


    Estados Unidos, 2005

    Premio de la Universidad de Emory

  •   Best Work in the Genomics and Molecular Genetics category

    Latin American Genetics Association (ALAG 2021)

    Chile, 2021

    Best Work in the Genomics and Molecular Genetics category. Latin American Genetics Association (ALAG 2021), October 5-8, 2021.

  •   Best flash oral presentation award

    First Latin American Congress on Research in Physical Activity and Health – CLIAFS

    México, 2021

    Best flash oral presentation award, First Latin American Congress on Research in Physical Activity and Health – CLIAFS, Mexico, June 22-24, 2021.

  •   • Professional career and leadership in the field of nutrition in Latin America award

    Latin American Nutrition Leadership Program, SLAN

    Chile, 2018

    Professional career and leadership in the field of nutrition in Latin America award, Latin American Nutrition Leadership Program, SLAN, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2018.

  •   Best Poster

    XVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Nutrición (SLAN)

    Cuba, 2012

    Best Poster, XVI Congreso Latinoamericano de Nutrición (SLAN), La Habana, Cuba, November 2012.

  •   IV Training workshop for Latin- American leaders in Nutrition

    14th Latino-American Congress of Nutrition

    Brasil, 2006

    IV Training workshop for Latin- American leaders in Nutrition, 14th Latino-American Congress of Nutrition Florianópolis, Brazil, 2006.

  •   Travel award

    14º Latino-American Congress of Nutrition

    Chile, 2006

    Travel award, 14º Latino-American Congress of Nutrition Florianópolis, Brasil, 2006

  •   Travel award

    3rd Congress of Developmental Origins of Adult Health and Disease

    Canada, 2005

    Travel award, 3rd Congress of Developmental Origins of Adult Health and Disease, Toronto, Canada, 2005.

  •   Best student abstract, Epidemiology section

    Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Public Health Association

    Estados Unidos, 2004

    Best student abstract, Epidemiology section, Annual Meeting and Exposition of the American Public Health Association, Epidemiology Section, 2004.

  •   Research Award 2022


    Chile, 2022

    Premio a la investigación 2022 de la Academia Chilena de Medicina.

  •   Dr. Nevin S. Scrimshaw Award

    International Union of Nutritional Sciences

    Chile, 2022

    Condecoración inaugural del premio Dr Nevin S. Scrimshaw.


Article (151)

Association between plasma leptin/adiponectin ratio and insulin resistance indexes in prepubertal children
Breast composition during and after puberty: the Chilean Growth and Obesity Cohort Study
How are intra-household dynamics, gender roles and time availability related to food access and children's diet quality during the Covid-19 lockdown?
Sociodemographic differences in nutrition labels effect on Chilean and Mexican youth
Time-specific impact of trace metals on breast density of adolescent girls in Santiago, Chile
Adapting the Planetary Health Diet Index for children and adolescents
Association Between Markers of Adiposity During Childhood and Puberty Onset in Latino Girls
Beverage industry TV advertising shifts after a stepwise mandatory food marketing restriction: achievements and challenges with regulating the food marketing environment
Changes in children’s and adolescents’ dietary intake after the implementation of Chile’s law of food labeling, advertising and sales in schools: a longitudinal study
Double- and triple-duty actions in childhood for addressing the global syndemic of obesity, undernutrition, and climate change: A scoping review
Editorial: Strengthening Food Labeling Policies in Brazil.
Evolution of food and beverage prices after the front-of-package labelling regulations in Chile
Food access, domestic environments, and dietary quality of low-middle income Chilean children during the COVID-19 pandemic
Framing a New Nutrition Policy: Changes on Key Stakeholder’s Discourses throughout the Implementation of the Chilean Food Labelling Law
Impact of the use of food ingredients and additives on the estimation of ultra-processed foods and beverages
Iron, folic acid, and vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy: Did pregnant Chilean women meet the recommendations during the COVID pandemic?
Latin America and the Caribbean Code Against Cancer 1st edition: Tobacco and nicotine-related products, secondhand smoke, and alcohol and cancer
Latin American and the Caribbean Code Against Cancer 1st edition: Weight, physical activity, diet, breastfeeding, and cancer
Lower adherence to a prudent dietary pattern is associated with earlier age at menarche in adolescents from the Growth and Obesity Chilean Cohort Study
Restricting child-directed ads is effective, but adding a time-based ban is better: evaluating a multi-phase regulation to protect children from unhealthy food marketing on television
Socioeconomic Patterns in Budget Share Allocations of Regulated Foods and Beverages in Chile: A Longitudinal Analysis
Sweetener purchases in Chile before and after implementing a policy for food labeling, marketing, and sales in schools.
Time-specific impact of mono-benzyl phthalate (MBzP) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) on breast density of a Chilean adolescent Cohort
Ultra-processed food consumption is associated with variations in daily routines in elementary schoolchildren during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chile
Assessment of a consensus definition of obesity and metabolic health phenotypes in children at different pubertal stages
Awareness of and Participation in School Food Programs Among Youth From Six Countries
Changes in nonnutritive sweetener intake in a cohort of preschoolers after the implementation of Chile's Law of Food Labelling and Advertising
Did the sweetness of beverages change with the Chilean Food Labeling and Marketing Law? A before and after study
Dietary Iron Intake in Relation to Age of Menarche: A Perspective Cohort Study in Chilean Girls.
Genome-Wide Association Study and Polygenic Risk Scores of Serum DHEAS Levels in a Chilean Children Cohort
Habitual Phytoestrogen Intake is Associated with Breast Composition in Girls at 2 Years after Menarche Onset
Misreporting of Energy Intake Is Related to Specific Food Items in Low-Middle Income Chilean Adolescents
Nutrition-related health taxes: setting expectations
Potential reductions in ultra-processed food consumption substantially improve population cardiometabolic-related dietary
Sugar-sweetened beverage consumption and breast composition in a longitudinal study of Chilean girls
Sweetness of Chilean infants' diets: methodology and description.
Systematic evidence and gap map of research linking food security and nutrition to mental health
Television viewing and using screens while eating: Associations with dietary intake in children and adolescents
The Chilean Maternal-Infant Cohort Study-II in the COVID-19 Era: A Study Protocol
Variability in urinary phthalates, phenols, and parabens across childhood and relation to adolescent breast composition in Chilean girls
Why Don’t You [Government] Help Us Make Healthier Foods More Affordable Instead of Bombarding Us with Labels? Maternal Knowledge, Perceptions, and Practices after Full Implementation of the Chilean Food Labelling Law
Changes in food purchases after the Chilean policies on food labelling, marketing, and sales in schools: a before and after study
Changes in the Use of Non-nutritive Sweeteners in the Chilean Food and Beverage Supply After the Implementation of the Food Labeling and Advertising Law
Children's Perceptions about Environmental Sustainability, Food, and Nutrition in Chile: A Qualitative Study
Exposure to obesogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals and obesity among youth of Latino or Hispanic origin in the United States and Latin America: A lifecourse perspective
Food environment solutions for childhood obesity in Latin America and among Latinos living in the United States
Global Mental Health and Nutrition: Moving Toward a Convergent Research Agenda
High DHEAS in girls and metabolic features throughout pubertal maturation
Impact of the change of the Atalah standard cut-off point to classify underweight nutritional status during pregnancy
Implementation of Childhood Obesity Prevention and Control Policies in the US and Latin America: Lessons for Cross-Borders Research and Practice in Obesity.
Poor compliance with school food environment guidelines in elementary schools in Northwest Mexico: A cross-sectional study
The Association Between Breast Density and Gut Microbiota Composition at 2 Years Post-Menarche: A Cross-Sectional Study of Adolescents in Santiago, Chile
Total and central adiposity are associated with age at gonadarche and incidence of precocious gonadarche in boys
Towards unified and impactful policies to reduce ultraprocessed food consumption and promote healthier eating globally
TV advertising and dietary intake in adolescents: a pre- and post- study of Chile’s Food Marketing Policy
Ultra-Processed Food Consumption Among Chilean Preschoolers Is Associated With Diets Promoting Non-communicable Diseases
Academically Oriented Activity Breaks for First-Grade Chilean Students: Development and Pilot Testing Effectiveness
An evaluation of Chile's Law of Food Labeling and Advertising on sugar-sweetened beverage purchases from 2015 to 2017: A before-and-after study
Anthropometric and bioimpedance equations for fat and fat-free mass in Chilean children 7–9 years of age
Association between indicators of systemic inflammation biomarkers during puberty with breast density and onset of menarche
Changes in the amount of nutrient of packaged foods and beverages after the initial implementation of the Chilean Law of Food Labelling and Advertising: A nonexperimental prospective study
Consumption of non-nutritive sweeteners by pre-schoolers of the food and environment Chilean cohort (FECHIC) before the implementation of the Chilean food labelling and advertising law
Dietary Patterns of Adolescents from the Chilean Growth and Obesity Cohort Study Indicate Poor Dietary Quality
Dynamics of the double burden of malnutrition and the changing nutrition reality
Early Obesity: Risk Factor for Fatty Liver Disease
Effect of excessive gestational weight on daughters' breast density at the end of puberty onset
Effectiveness of a normative nutrition intervention in Chilean pregnant women on maternal and neonatal outcomes: the CHiMINCs study
Examining Chile's unique food marketing policy: TV advertising and dietary intake in preschool children, a pre- and post- policy study
Food Advertising on Television Before and After a National Unhealthy Food Marketing Regulation in Chile, 2016-2017
Food industry political practices in Chile: "the economy has always been the main concern"
High DHEAS Level in Girls Is Associated with Earlier Pubertal Maturation and Mild Increase in Androgens throughout Puberty without Affecting Postmenarche Ovarian Morphology
Nutrition status in adult Chilean population: Economic, ethnic and sex inequalities in a post-transitional country
Predictive anthropometric models of total and truncal body fat in Chilean children
Reproductive hormones during pubertal transition in girls with transient Thelarche
Screen time and eating during screen time: associations with dietary intake in children and adolescents.
Ultra-processed foods drive to unhealthy diets: evidence from Chile
Age at Pubertal Development in a Hispanic-Latina Female Population: Should the Definitions Be Revisited?
An 11-country study to benchmark the implementation of recommended nutrition policies by national governments using the Healthy Food Environment Policy Index, 2015-2018
Anticipatory effects of the implementation of the Chilean Law of Food Labeling and Advertising on food and beverage product reformulation
Demographic, Social and Health-Related Variables that Predict Normal-Weight Preschool Children Having Overweight or Obesity When Entering Primary Education in Chile
Development of the Chilean front-of-package food warning label
Dietary Intake by Food Source and Eating Location in Low- and Middle-Income Chilean Preschool Children and Adolescents from Southeast Santiago
Global benchmarking of children's exposure to television advertising of unhealthy foods and beverages across 22 countries
Obesity and Related Metabolic Biomarkers and Its Association with Serum Levels of Estrogen in Pre-pubertal Chilean Girls
Prevalence of Child-Directed Marketing on Breakfast Cereal Packages before and after Chile's Food Marketing Law: A Pre- and Post-Quantitative Content Analysis
Responses to the Chilean law of food labeling and advertising: exploring knowledge, perceptions and behaviors of mothers of young children
Snacking patterns among Chilean children and adolescents: is there potential for improvement?
Structural responses to the obesity and non-communicable diseases epidemic: Update on the Chilean law of food labelling and advertising
The Food Supply Prior to the Implementation of the Chilean Law of Food Labeling and Advertising
Childhood and adolescent phenol and phthalate exposure and the age of menarche in Latina girls
Chiles 2014 sugar-sweetened beverage tax and changes in prices and purchases of sugar-sweetened beverages: An observational study in an urban environment
Effectiveness on maternal and offspring metabolic control of a home-based dietary counseling intervention and DHA supplementation in obese/overweight pregnant women (MIGHT study): A randomized controlled trial-Study protocol
Faster ticking rate of the epigenetic clock is associated with faster pubertal development in girls
Female offspring birth weight is associated with Body Mass Index, waist circumference and metabolic syndrome in Latin American women at 10-years postpartum
Impact of gaining or maintaining excessive weight in infancy on markers of metabolic homeostasis in young children: A longitudinal study in Chilean children
Precocious pubertal events in Chilean children: ethnic disparities
Prepubertal and Pubertal Endocrine-Disrupting Chemical Exposure and Breast Density among Chilean Adolescents
Prevalence of child-directed and general audience marketing strategies on the front of beverage packaging: the case of Chile
Role of the androgen receptor gene CAG repeat polymorphism on the sequence of pubertal events and adiposity in girls with high dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate
Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake among Chilean Preschoolers and Adolescents in 2016: A Cross-Sectional Analysis
Anthropometric indicators as predictors of total body fat and cardiometabolic risk factors in Chilean children at 4, 7 and 10 years of age
Dairy intake in relation to breast and pubertal development in Chilean girls
Early BMI Gain and Later Height Growth Predicts Higher DHEAS Concentrations in 7-Year-Old Chilean Children
Genetic Variation of Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Action Is Associated With Age at Testicular Growth in Boys
High DHEAS Is Associated With Earlier Pubertal Events in Girls But Not in Boys
Nutrition status of children in Latin America
Photographic Methods for Measuring Packaged Food and Beverage Products in Supermarkets
Prevention of childhood obesity and food policies in Latin America: from research to practice
Ultra-processed foods and added sugars in the Chilean diet (2010)
GOCS cohort: children's eating behavior scores and BMI
Preconceptional and maternal obesity: epidemiology and health consequences
Prepubertal Adiposity, Vitamin D Status, and Insulin Resistance
Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D associated with indicators of body fat and insulin resistance in prepubertal chilean children
The association of excessive growth with development of general and central obesity at 7 years of age in every period after birth in Chilean children
The effects of pre-pregnancy BMI and maternal factors on the timing of adiposity rebound in offspring.
The Presence and Duration of Overweight Are Associated with Low-Grade Inflammation in Prepubertal Chilean Children.
Effectiveness of a normative nutrition intervention (diet, physical activity and breastfeeding) on maternal nutrition and offspring growth: the Chilean maternal and infant nutrition cohort study (CHiMINCs)
Evaluation of simple body composition methods: assessment of validity in prepubertal Chilean children
Risk factors during the prenatal period and the first year of life associated with overweight in 7-year-old low-income Chilean children
Ultrasensitive estrogen levels at 7 years of age predict earlier thelarche: evidence from girls of the growth and obesity Chilean cohort
Alarming weight gain in women of a post-transitional country
Assessing the Public Health Impact of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) Nutrition Interventions
Breast bud detection: a validation study in the Chilean Growth Obesity Cohort Study
Early adiposity rebound is associated with metabolic risk in 7-year-old children
On modelling early life weight trajectories
Prenatal Influences on Size, Velocity and Tempo of Infant Growth: Findings from Three Contemporary Cohorts
Tobacco use in pregnant women: analysis of data from Demographic and Health Surveys from 54 low-income and middle-income countries
Conceptual basis for prescriptive growth standards from conception to early childhood: present and future
Determinants of Cognitive Development of Low SES Children in Chile: A Post-transitional Country with Rising Childhood Obesity Rates
Obesity is positively associated with dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate concentrations at 7 y in Chilean children of normal birth weight
Structural responses to the obesity and non-communicable diseases epidemic: the Chilean Law of Food Labeling and Advertising
The Economics of Health Care Delivery
Asociación entre el índice de masa corporal y la talla desde el nacimiento hasta los 5 años en preescolares chilenos
Association between body mass index (BMI) and height from birth to 5 years in Chilean preschool children
How can the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD) hypothesis contribute to improving health in developing countries?
Evolution of the nutritional status of Chilean children from preschool to school age: anthropometric results according to the source of the data
Evolution of the nutritional status of Chilean children from preschool to school age: Anthropometric results according to the source of the data Evolución del estado nutricional de niños chilenos desde la etapa preescolar a la escolar: Resultados antropométricos según procedencia de las mediciones
Obesity indicators and cardiometabolic status in 4-y-old children
Accelerated Growth in Early Life and Obesity in Preschool Chilean Children
Effect of growth on cardiometabolic status at 4 y of age
Impact of growth patterns and early diet on obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in young children from developing countries
Maternal anthropometry and feeding behavior toward preschool children: association with childhood body mass index in an observational study of Chilean families
Nutritional status of preschool children attending the Chilean National Nursery Schools Council Programs (JUNJI): assessment of the agreement among anthropometric indicators of obesity and central obesity
Rank Prize Lecture Global nutrition challenges for optimal health and well-being
Detection of cardio-metabolic risk by BMI and waist circumference among a population of Guatemalan adults
Need to address all forms of childhood malnutrition with a common agenda
Reductions in the Energy Content of Meals Served in the Chilean National Nursery School Council Program Did Not Consistently Decrease Obesity among Beneficiaries
Size at birth, infant, early and later childhood growth and adult body composition: a prospective study in a stunted population
Prevention and control of obesity in preschool children: Importance of normative standards
Socioeconomic risk factors for asthma in Chilean young adults

BookWhole (2)

Developing Country Perspectives on Obesity Prevention Policies and Practices
Obesity in Early Childhood and Working in Pre-School Settings

ConferencePaper (2)

Addressing the double burden of malnutrition with a common agenda
Intervention Strategies for Preventing Low Birthweight in Developing Countries: Importance of Considering Multiple Interactive Factors

EditorialMaterial (2)

Unconditional or conditional change: does it matter? Growth charts for monitoring weight gain during pregnancy
Special Issue: The Pacific Obesity Prevention In Communities Project (OPIC) Forward

Letter (2)

Respuesta a la carta: Impacto del cambio de punto de corte en el estándar de Atalah en la clasificación del estado nutricional de bajo peso durante el embarazo
Gaskins et al. study reports on a new opportunity for breast cancer prevention Reply

Proyecto (45)

Association between sucralose intake and metabolic outcomes in Chilean infants, preschoolers, and adolescents
Consumption of Ultra-Processed foods and breast density: differences during the life-course
Disentangling the relationship between trajectories of body fatness and post-pubertal breast composition in the Growth and Obesity Chilean Cohort Study: role of metabolic, hormonal, and inflammatory markers during childhood.
Impact of early initiation of Ultra Processed Food consumption on diet, adiposity and metabolic health at 3-years of age
Associations between maternal B-12 concentration and disturbances of maternal glucose metabolism and neonatal adiposity in the COVID-19 era.
Healthy vs Unhealthy obesity in young male adults: early predictors, mechanistic insights and effects of Time-Restricted Eating
Cross-Border Approaches to Applying Novel Methods for Child Obesity Research
Efectos de la pandemia COVID-19 en alimentación y salud mental en etapas críticas de la vida
Testing food warning label formats
The Chilean Front-of-Package Labeling and Marketing Regulation: impact on Children s Diet and Adiposity
The Role of the Urban School Food Environment in Children’s and Adolescents’ Dietary Intake
A Study on the Impact of the Chilean Food Labelling Law on the Private Sector and Responsible Investments in Agriculture Unit (FAO).
Consumption of non-caloric sweeteners in infants, preschoolers and adolescents of medium-low income after the implementation of Law 20.606 on nutritional composition of food and its advertising: description and recommendations.
Entornos escolares post-implementación de la Ley de Etiquetado chilena: Efectos del nivel socioeconómico en las conductas de compra de alimentos de una muestra de escolares en Santiago
Premature adrenarche , unanswered questions
Towards a community of practice: A way to improve research, advocacy and policy in healthy food systems in Latin America and the Caribbean
¿Qué sabemos y qué debemos saber? Un análisis de la actividad política corporativa de la industria de alimentos en tres países de Sudamérica
Dietary Patterns Associated with Changes in Adiposity and Metabolic Condition at 3 Key Sensitive Periods of Early Life: Infancy, Adiposity Rebound, and Late Puberty
Microbial and metabolic variations mediate the influence of childhood and adolescent EDC and trace element exposure on breast density (CHEAR)
Development of a core facility for food analysis based on the incorporation of physiological phenomena, such as digestion and fermentation, with TWINSHIME technology
Environmental chemicals and postpubertal breast composition in a Latino cohort. Sub-project, focus group for facilitating divulgation and communication efforts
Investigating the extent to which changes in adiposity in early childhood and adiposity at 15 years of age impact on blood pressure (BP) at 15 years of age in a Chilean children cohort.
Pilot study on comparison of breast tissue characteristics in women and adolescents using optimal spectropia, SCIo and DXA
Consumption of ultra-processed foods, dietary nutrient profile and obesity in seven countries
Evaluating Chilean set of Regulatory Actions
Evaluating new Chilean National Regulations on the Food Supply
Protective effect of predominant breastfeeding on excess adiposity of infants at 6 months of age: a study in Chilean infants in the South East Zone of the Metropolitan Region
The Chilean Front-of-Package Labeling and Marketig Regulation: understanding the overall impact on Food Advertising Exposure, Food Knowledge, Attitudes & Behaviors, including Dietary Intake.
Association between gene variants of the mitochondrial genome and proteome with insulin secretion/sensitivity indexes and glycemic-related traits
Effectiveness on maternal and offspring metabolic control of a home-based dietary and physical activity counseling and n3-long chain pufa supplementation in obese pregnant women.
Environmental chemicals and postpubertal breast composition in a Latino cohort
Impact evaluation of the Chilean Law of Food Labeling and Advertising
Measuring and benchmarking food environments and policies to effectively reduce obesity and non-communicable diseases: test and implementation of a new monitoring framework in Latin America (INFORMAS)
Effectiveness of a normative intervention (diet, physical activity and breastfeeding) on maternal nutrition and offspring growth and development: Nutrition in the first 1000 days key to healthy growth and long-term health
Premature adrenarche and effects on ovarian function, pubertal tempo and metabolic risk
Early growth and breast-tissue composition at the end of breast development: disentangling the pathways of breast cancer risk in chilean girls
Interactions of Early Growth, Adiposity and Rate of Skeletal, Maturation in determining: Timing and Progression of Puberty and Metabolic status of Chilean children
Interactions of early growth, adiposity and rate skeletal maturation in determining: timing and progression of puberty and metabolic status of chilean children
Predictors of Mammary Gland Development & Breast Fibroglandular Volume at Puberty
Association between micronutrients, growth, obesity and obesity related disorders in Chilean children
Role of early growth and adiposity rebound on Pubertal onset & progression Pubertal Obesity & Metabolic Stat Breast Composition at B4
Biological maturation and its relationship with body composition, physical fitness, and eating behavior in school-age Chilean children
Developmental origins of fatness and physical maturation in seven-year old Chilean children
Effect of the timing of adiposity rebound on: growth, adiposity, and risk factors of nutrition-related chronic diseases in pre-puberty
Is it feasible to adapt a nutritional assistance program in order to ensure adequate growth and long-term health?

Review (4)

Environmental exposures during windows of susceptibility for breast cancer: a framework for prevention research
Understanding the rise of cardiometabolic diseases in low- and middle-income countries
Addressing malnutrition while avoiding obesity: minding the balance
Nutrition, child growth, and chronic disease prevention
Camila Corvalan

Assistant Professor



Ricardo Uauy


Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Ana Pereira

Assistant Professor

Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA)

Santiago, Chile

Marcela Reyes

Profesor Asistente


Santiago, Chile

Maria Garmendia


Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology (INTA)



Juliana Kain

Profesor Asociado




Maria Mericq

Profesor Titular


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Lydia Lera

Profesor Titular

INTA University of Chile

Santiago de Chile, Chile

María Mediano

Profesor Asistente


Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Natalia Rebolledo

Postdoctoral Researcher

Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology

Universidad de Chile

Macul, Chile


Full Professor

Department of Nutrition, Diabetes and Metabolism


Santiago, Chile

Rebecca Kanter



Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Paola Casanello

Profesor Asociado

División de Obstetricia y Ginecología

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Gustavo Cediel





Angela Martinez

Profesor Adjunto

Nutricion y Dietética

Universidad de Valparaíso

Valparaíso, Chile

Juan Kusanovic


Obstetricia y Ginecología


Santiago, Chile

Sergio Weisstaub


Santiago, Chile


Profesora asistente

Instituto de Nutrición y Tecnología de los alimentos (INTA)

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Joanna Rojas


Nutrición y Dietética

Universidad de Atacama

Copiapó, Chile

Marcela Flores

Encargada Unidad de Investigación


Corporación Municipal de Puente Alto

Santiago, Chile

Bárbara Leyton


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

marcela araya

Profesor Asistente

Departamento de Promoción de la Salud de la Mujer y el Recién Nacido


Santiago, Chile

Andres Silva


CIencias para el Cuidado de la Salud

Universidad San Sebastián

Santiago, Chile

Gigliola Alberti

profesora asistente

gastroenterologia y nutricion pediatrica

pontificia universidad católica de chile

santiago, Chile

Israel Rios Castillo


Nutrición y Dietética

Universidad de Panamá

Panama, Panamá

Alejandra Ortega

Coordinator of the Research Assistants Unit

Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile


Profesora Asistente


Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Juan Gana

Gastroenterólogo Pediatra

Departamento de Gastroenterología y Nutrición Pediátrica.


Santiago, Chile

Daiana Quintiliano


Facultad de Medicina

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile

Faustino Alonso

Profesor asistente

Escuela de Salud Pública - Instituto de Salud Poblacional

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile


Estudiante de Doctorado

Nutrición, Diabetes y Metabolismo

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Bernardo Krause

Associate Professor

Insituto de Ciencias de la Salud

Universidad de O'Higgins

Rancagua, Chile

Mariana Cifuentes


Instituto de Nutricion y Tecnologia de los Alimentos


Santiago, Chile

Ursula Sanchez

Coordinador de Vinculación con el Medio

Universidad de Las Américas

Santiago, Chile

Claudio Aqueveque

Profesor Asociado

Facultad de Economía y Negocios

Universidad del Desarrollo

Santiago, Chile