
Servet Martinez Aguilera

Full professor

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Probability theory and stochastic processes, Ergodic theory, Stochastic Modeling, Bioinformatics


  •  Mathematics, UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE-PARIS VI. Francia, 1986
  •  Mathematical Engineering, UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE. Chile, 1975
  •  Statistics, CIENES (Centro Internacional de la Enseñanza de la Estadística). Chile, 1976

Experiencia Académica

  •   Full professor Full Time


    Physical and Mathematical Sciences

    Santiago, Chile

    1975 - At present

Formación de Capital Humano

Advisory PhD Thesis
1. Nestor Bertoglio, 10/1989, Sobre problemas relativos a sistemas intrinsicamente aleatorios. Tesis P.U. Catolica.
2. Marcelo Sobottka, 28/10/2005, Representación y aleatorización en Sistemas Dinámicos de tipo algebraico.
Tesis U. Chile.
3. Javiera Barrera M., 6/12/2005, Cutoff para n/muestras de procesos Estocásticos Exponencialmente
convergentes y particiones Aleatorias del intervalo (0,1). Tesis en Co-tutela U. Chile- U. Grenoble:
Co-dirigida Bernard Ycart.
4. Jorge Littin C., 16/12/2013, Quasi stationary distributions when infinity is an entrance boundary,
Optimal conditions for phase transition in 1 dimensional Ising model by Peierls argument and its
consequences. Tesis en co-tutela U. Chile/ U. Provence: Co-dirigida con Pierre Picco.

Advisory Posdocs
1. Andrew Hart (PhD Queensland U.), CMM, 2001-2002. He is now researcher at CMM.
1. Xiao-dong Zhang (PhD U. of Science and Technology of China) CMM, 2001-2002.
He is now Professor at the Shanghai Jiao Tong University, CHINA.
2. Cesar Octavio Maldonado (PhD , U. San Luis Potosi), CMM, 2015-2016. He is now Associtated ?Professor Instituto Potosino de Investigación
Científica y Tecnológica - IPICYT, MEXICO.
3. Fabio Lopes (PhD. Stockholms U. Sweden) CMM, 2016-2018.

Advisory Mathematical Engineering thesis:
1. Ronald Fischer B.,  02/12/81, Modelos matemáticos de estabilización de precios
2. Víctor H. Salinas T., 22/12/82, Modelos Matemáticos en Sismología
3. José M. Perez C. 26/04/85, Clasificación automática jerárquica bajo restricción de contiguidad
4. Pablo Dartnell R. 25/07/85, Procesos markovianos que convergen al equilibrio de K-sistemas aplicados al gas ideal
5. Jaime San Martín A., 25/07/85 Procesos markovianos que convergen al equilibrio de K-sistemas aplicados al gas ideal
6. Eliana Scheihing G., 27/06/86, Modelos estocásticos en sismología. Estadística temporal de grandes sismos y aplicación al caso chileno
7. Claudia Matus C.,15/12/87, Autosimilaridad de áreas de falla y ley de Gutenberg-Richter
8. Fernando Quintana Q., 15/12/87Autosimilaridad de áreas de falla y ley de Gutenberg-Richter
9. Alejandro Maass S., 07/06/90, Complejidad límite para una máquina de Turing (co-dirigida con Eric Goles)
10. Sergio Donoso S.,  22/12/94, Comparación y Evaluación de Sistemas de Aplicación Estadística
11. Daniela Devoto M, 23/01/95, Distribuciones truncadas. Aplicación a distribuciones del tamaño de rocas fragmentadas
12. Pierre-Paul Romagnoli P.,13/06/97, Contribución al estudio de Sistemas Inducidos y Pares de Entropía (co-dirigida con Alejandro Maass)
13. Joaquín Fontbona T., 29/07/99, Difusión de Grafos
14. Javiera Barrera M.,  25/01/2002, Modelos probabilísticos para el sesgo granulométrico en imágenes y aplicaciones en minería
15. Angela Ganz B., 12/11/2003, Modelos estocásticos para distribución de discontinuidades Geológicas
16. Leonardo Videla M., 23/08/2005, Un modelo simple para organización de zonas genéticas en un ADN Bacteriano
17. Rodrigo Assar C., 12-12-2005, Análisis y comparación de métodos de clasificación: Aplicaciones en expresión génica
18. Jorge Prado G., 04/11/2010, Distribuciones Cuasi-Estacionarias en Modelos de Poblaciones
19. Mónica Carvajal P., 09/01/2013 Herramientas Matemáticas para el Cálculo de Primas en Seguros contra Sismos.
20. Ian P. Letter, 18/01/2018 Modelos probabilisticos de recombinacion en genetica.
21. Alonso Guzman T., 17/07/2018 Arboles de decision e identificacion de genes en bacterias.

Difusión y Transferencia

---Scientific director of the Bioinformatics and Mathematics of Genome Laboratory, which was counterpart
of Biosigma S.A. of Codelco and Nippon-Mining in cooper bioleaching project the period 2003-2011.
Besides the collaboration, we get patents in several countries in bioidentification in metagenomics, they are
(they were also listed in the item Patents):

1. A. Maass, A. Aravena, M. Gonzalez, S. Martinez, K. Ehrenfeld.
Method for designing oligonucleotides for molecular biology techniques.
USA, No. US 7 853 404, 14/12/2010; South Africa, No. 2006/06828, 26/03/2008;
Australia, No. 2006203551, 17/05/2011.

2. P. Parada, K. Ehrenfeld, I. Pacheco, A. Maass, A. Aravena, M. Gonzalez, S. Mart\inez.
Method of identification and quantification of microorganisms useful in the process of bioleaching.
South Africa, No. 2006/07131, 30/05/2007; Chile, No. 46,739, 31/08/2010.

3. R. Badilla, A. Maass, P. Parada, A. Aravena, P. Moreno, S. Mart\inez, K. Ehrenfeld.
Arrangements of DNA fragments of bioleaching microorganisms and method
for their detection.
South Africa, No. 2006/09650, 27/12/2007; Argentina, No. AR0576112B1, 09/09/2010;
Peru, No. 1432-2010, 29/10/2010.

--I have co-organized several international schools, all except one took place in Chile,
the other one took place at Les Houches, France. These schools were addressed to
young researchers and students on probability, dynamical systems, statistical physics,
ergodic theory and cellular automata. Several Proceedings of these Schools were published
with international publishers. These volumes are the following ones:


Information and Randomness.
Collection Travaux en Cours, 66, Hermann Éditeurs, Paris, 2006.
Editors Alejandro Maass, Servet Martínez, Jaime San Martín.

Dynamics and Randomness II.
Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems, 8, Kluwer Academics
Publishers, 2004.
Editors Alejandro Maass, Servet Martínez, Jaime San Martín.

Dynamics and Randomness.
Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems, 7, Kluwer Academics
Publishers, 2002.
Editors Alejandro Maass, Servet Martínez, Jaime San Martin.

Complex Systems. Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems.
Kluwer Academics Publishers, 2001, 300 p.
Editors Eric Goles, Servet Martínez.

Cellular Automata and Complex Systems.
Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems, Kluwer Academics
Publishers, 1999, 180 p.
Editors Eric Goles, Servet Martínez .

Dynamical Systems.
Hermann, 1996, Paris, 188 p.
Editors Rodrigo Bamón, Servet Martínez, Jean-Marc Gambaudo.

Disordered Systems.
Hermann 1996, Paris, 169 p.
Rodrigo Bamón, Servet Martínez, Jean-Marc Gambaudo.

Dynamics of Complex Interacting Systems.
Nonlinear Phenomena and Complex Systems, Kluwer Academics
Publishers, 1996, 177 p.
Editors Eric Goles, Servet Martínez.

Cellular Automata, Dynamical Systems and Neural Networks.
Mathematics and Its Applications.
Kluwer Academics Publishers, 1994, 189 p.
Editors Eric Goles, Servet Martínez.

Cellular Automata and Cooperative Systems.
NATO-ASI Series,Kluwer Academics Publishers, 1993, 536 p.
Editors Nino Boccara, Eric Goles, Servet Martínez, Pierre Picco.

Automata Networks, Dynamical Systems and Statistical Physics.
Mathematics and Its Applications, Kluwer Academics
Publishers, 1992, 207 p.
Editors Eric Goles, Servet Martínez.


1. ICAM 2006 International Conference on the Applications of Mathematics,
SIAM-EMS-UMALCA Congress. March 13-17, 2006, CMM, Santiago, CHILE.

2. VI CLAPEM LatinAmerican Congress on Probability and Statistical Mathematics,
November 20-24, 1995, Viña del Mar, CHILE.

Participation in the Steering Comittee or in the Program Committee or in The Scientific
Committee of several international congresses: 1st and 2nd Mathematics Congress of
the Americas, 2014 Guanajuato, 2017 Montreal respectively; CLAPEM Congresses,
CIMPA Schools, Brazilian Schools of Probability.

Premios y Distinciones

  •   National Prize in Exact Sciences

    Gobierno de Chile

    Chile, 1993

    This is the highest recognition given by the Chilean Government in Exact Sciences

  •   TWAS Award in Mathematics

    TWAS: Academia de Ciencias del Mundo en Desarrollo

    Irán, 1999

    Award in Mathematics TWAS: it is a well-known recognition and it was delivered in the TWAS meeting at Teheran 2000.

  •   Presidential Fellowship

    Chilean Committee in Sciences

    Chile, 1997

    The 'Catedra Presidencial' was a fellowship given by the 'Comision Nacional de Ciencias' , an important part of this board were worldwide international researchers.

  •   John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship

    John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation

    Estados Unidos, 2008

    This is a very well-known international fellowship

  •   Légion d'Honneur

    French Government

    Francia, 2007

    It was delivered by my contribution to the scientific ties between Chile and France

  •   President Chilean Academy of Sciences

    Academia Chilena de Ciencias

    Chile, 2004

    I was elected in 2004 and re-elected in 2007, for a total of 6 years (finish in 2009). I am full member of the Chilean Academy of Sciences since 1996.

  •   TWAS fellow

    TWAS Academy of Sciences

    Brasil, 2005

    I was received as TWAS fellow at the TWAS meeting in Rio de Janeiro in 2006

  •   Prize Manuel Noriega in Exact Sciences

    OEA (Organization of American States)

    Chile, 1992

    This prize was given by OEA (Organization of American States) to a researcher of the countries of the region. It was delivered in several disciplines, my area was Exact Sciences.

  •   Levy lecture

    Bernoulli Society for Mathematical Statistics and Probability

    Canada, 2016

    This distinction was delivered in the 9th World Congress of Probability and Statistics, Toronto, July 2016.

  •   President LatinAmerican Union of Matematics

    Latin American Union of Mathematics

    México, 2009

    I was elected President of UMALCA (LatinAmerican Union of Mathematics) at its meeting at Mexico in 2009 and served as president up to 2016. I was founder of UMALCA at IMPA, Rio, at 1995; and Member of its Scientific Council in the period 1995-2001.

  •   Editor-in-chief ALEA LatinAmerican Journal in Probability and Mathematical Statistics

    ALEA LatinAmerican Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics

    Brasil, 2012

    I served as Editor-in-chief of ALEA in the period 2012-2015. This journal is published at IMPA, Rio, and sponsored by CNRS and IMS (Institute Mathematical Statistics). I was in the Editorial Board since its beginnings in 2007.

  •   Invited plenary lecture SPA

    Stochastic Processes and their Applications

    Alemania, 2009

    I gave one of the invited plenary lectures of the 33rd Conference on Stochastic and their Applications 2009 that took place at Berlin (TU)

  •   Member Scientific Council CIMPA

    International Center of Pure and Applied Mathematics

    Francia, 2006

    I was member of the Scientific Council of CIMPA, Nice, France (ICPAM) in the period 2006-2008. Last year (2016) I was elected as Member of the Administration Committee of CIMPA for a three years period.

  •   Invited plenary lecture IWAP 2006

    3rd International Workshop in Applied Probability - IWAP 2006

    Estados Unidos, 2006

    I gave the oprening lecture of the 3rd International Workshop in Applied Probability - IWAP 2006 that took place at the University of Connecticut.


Article (134)

Corrigendum to A probabilistic analysis of a discrete-time evolution in recombination
Quasi-stationary distributions and resilience: what to get from a sample?
Truncations in duality and intertwining kernels
A note on the quasi-stationary distribution of the Shirayev martingales on the positive-half lines
Diffusions from infinity
Regenerative mutation processes related to the selfdecomposability of Sibuya distributions.
On polymorphism for discrete evolutionary dynamics driven either by selection or segregation distortion.
Regenerative processes for Poisson type polytopes
A probabilistic analysis of a discrete-time evolution in recombination
An entropy-based technique for classifying bacterial chromosomes according to synonymous codon usage
Measure evolution of cellular automata and of finitely anticipative transformations
A stationary distribution associated to a set of laws whose initial states are grouped into classes. An application in genomics
Additive representation of symmetric inverse M-matrices and potentials
Asymptotics for the heat kernel in multicone domains
On Mobius Duality and Coarse-Graining
Potentials of random walks on trees
The ?-mixing rate of STIT tessellations
STIT process and trees
Basic Matrix Block Formulae
Beyond Matrices
Filtered Matrices
Graph of Ultrametric Type Matrices
Inverse M-Matrices and Potentials
Markovianness and conditional independence in annotated bacterial DNA
STIT tessellations are Bernoulli and standard
Symbolic Inversion of a Diagonally Dominant M-Matrix
Ultrametric Matrices
Metabolomic study of Chilean biomining bacteria Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans strain Wenelen and Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans strain Licanantay
Occupancy Distributions Arising in Sampling from Gibbs-Poisson Abundance Models
A Gibbs Approach to Chargaff's Second Parity Rule
Ergodic description of STIT tessellations
Discrete evolutionary genetics: multiplicative fitnesses and the mutation-fitness balance.
Quasi-stationary distributions for structured birth and death processes with mutations
Statistical Testing of Chargaff's Second Parity Rule in Bacterial Genome Sequences
Genome-wide identification of new Wnt/beta-catenin target genes in the human genome using CART method
R-positivity of nearest neighbor matrices and applications to Gibbs states
Calcium/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinase Type IV Is a Target Gene of the Wnt/beta-Catenin Signaling Pathway
Ultrametric and Tree Potential
Asymptotic velocity of one dimensional diffusions with periodic drift
Dirichlet-Kingman partition revisited
Level-wise approximation of a Markov process associated to the boundary of an infinite tree
Level-wise approximation of a Markov process associated to the boundary of an infinite tree
Limit measures for affine cellular automata on topological Markov subgroups
A simple maximization model inspired by algorithms for the organization of genetic candidates in bacterial DNA
Around multicolour disordered lattice gas
Asymptotic randomization of subgroup shifts by linear cellular automata
Large deviations-based upper bounds on the expected relative length of longest common subsequences
Limit measures for affine cellular automata on topological Markov subgroups
Ratio limit theorem for parabolic horn-shaped domains
Stationary processes whose filtrations are standard
Fragmentation energy
Some bounds on the coupon collector problem
A class of M-matrices whose graphs are trees
Asymptotic distribution of tests for expanding maps of the interval
Classification of killed one-dimensional diffusions
Sequential dynamics of high order polynomial automata networks: an application to the Erlang fixed-point equations
Some bounds on the coupon collector problem
A new class of inverse M-matrices of tree-like type
Asymptotic of the heat kernel in general Benedicks domains
Evolution of probability measures by cellular automata on algebraic topological Markov chains
Order relations of measures when avoiding decreasing sets
Sampling from finite random partitions
The homotopical reduction of a nearest neighbor random walk
The lambda-classification of continuous-time birth-and-death processes
Uniform bernoulli measure in dynamics of permutative cellular automata with algebraic local rules
Asymptotic behavior of a stationary silo with absorbing walls
Exponential inequalities for dynamical measures of expanding maps of the interval
Sequential iteration of the Erlang fixed-point equations
Decay rates and cutoff for convergence and hitting times of Markov chains with countably infinite state space
Rates of decay and h-processes for one dimensional diffusions conditioned on non-absorption
Asymptotic behaviour of a Brownian motion on exterior domains
Cesaro mean distribution of group automata starting from measures with summable decay
Description of the sub-Markov kernel associated to generalized ultrametric matrices. An algorithmic approach
On the existence of conditionally invariant probability measures in dynamical systems
Stochastic domination and Markovian couplings
Diffusion coefficient in transient chaos
Limiting conditional and conditional invariant distributions for the Poisson process with negative drift
On the enhancement of diffusion by chaos, escape rates and stochastic instability.
Ratio limit theorems for a Brownian motion killed at the boundary of a Benedicks domain
The baker transformation as a nonlinear combination of pointwise mean expected value operators and the pointwise convergence to equilibrium
Hamiltonians on random walk trajectories
On Cesàro limit distribution of a class of permutative cellular automata
A pointwise spectrum and representation of operators
Coding nested mixing one-sided subshifts of finite type as Markov shifts having exactly the same alphabet
Domain of attraction of quasi-stationary distributions for the Brownian motion with drift
Noyaux potentiels associés à une filtration. (French) [Potential kernels associated with a filtration]
Truncated Pareto law and oresize distribution of ground rocks
he Pianigiani-Yorke measure for topological Markov chains
Phase transition for absorbed Brownian motion with drif
R-positivity, quasi-stationary distributions and ratio limit theorems for a class of probabilistic automata
Entropy values of chains of partitions of infinite countable sets
Thermodynamics of a Brownian bridge polymer model in a random environment
Ultrametric matrices and induced Markov chains
A Markov chain associated with the minimal quasi-stationary distribution of birth-death chains
Entropy pairs for a measure
Asymptotic laws for one-dimensional diffusions conditioned to nonabsorption
Existence of quasi-stationary distributions. A renewal dynamical approach
Inverse of strictly ultrametric matrices are of Stieltjes type
Quasi-stationary distributions for a Brownian motion with drift and associated limit laws
The Yorke-Pianigiani measure and the asymptotic law on the limit Cantor set of expanding systems
On the limit set of some universal cellular automata
A lower bound for the memory capacity in the Potts-Hopfield mode
Automata networks and optimization
Existence of nontrivial quasi-stationary distributions in the birth-death chain
A regularisation result of the continuous PMC Markov semigroups
Finite coarse-graining and Chapman-Kolmogorov equation in conservative dynamical systems
Lyapunov functionals for automata networks defined by cyclically monotone functions
Measure preserving Markov processes densely similar to endomorphisms
On a test for generalized upper truncated Weibull distributions
Simple nests invariant by compact selfadjoint operators: a nonstandard approach
Exponential transient classes of symmetric neural networks for synchronous and sequential updating
Energy functions in neural networks with continuous local functions
Fluctuations in Derrida's random energy and generalized random energy models
The one-site distributions of Gibbs states on Bethe lattice are probability vectors of period ≤2 for a nonlinear transformation
Properties of positive functions and the dynamics of associated automata networks
The PMC processes associated to the (12,12)-Bernoulli shift are also Bernoulli
The role of stable manifolds and information in the Prigogine theory of irreversibility
Points d'orbite dense de certains langages de mots infinis. (French) [Dense orbit points of certain languages of infinite words]
A possible physical interpretation of the Λ operator in the Prigogine theory of irreversibility
Nonequilibrium entropy on stationary Markov processes
Description of a class of Markov processes "equivalent'' to K-shifts.
Entropy functionals associated to shifts dynamical systems
Markov process and entropy associated to a reversible evolution
Maximal entropy measures in topologically transitive and hyperbolic dynamical systems

BookSection (2)

Opérateurs filtrés et chaînes de tribus invariantes sur un espace probabilisé dénombrable
Hyperbolic dynamical systems with isolated points

BookWhole (3)

Inverse M-matrices and ultrametric matrices
Quasi-stationary distributions. Markov chains, diffusions and dynamical systems. Probability and its Applications
Neural and automata networks. Dynamical behavior and applications

ConferencePaper (11)

Some properties of quasi-stationary distributions for finite Markov chains
Notes and a remark on quasi-stationary distributions
Attractiveness of the Haar measure for linear cellular automata on Markov subgroups
Time averages for some classes of expansive one-dimensional cellular automata
IntroductionNeural networks. Storage capacity and optimization
Quasi-stationary distribution and Gibbs measure of expanding systems
Polar decomposition and dense similarity to unitary operators
Quasi-stationary distributions for birth-death chains. Convergence radii and Yaglom limit
Quasi-stationary distributions: continued fraction and chain sequence criteria for recurrence
Automata networks strategies for optimization problems
Some properties of quasi-stationary distributions in the birth and death chains: a dynamical approach. Instabilities and nonequilibrium structures, III (Valparaíso, 1989), 177–187, Math. Appl., 64, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 1991

Editorial (1)


EditorialMaterial (2)

Inverse M-Matrices and Ultrametric Matrices Introduction
Inverse M-Matrices and Ultrametric Matrices Preface

Patent (3)

Method for designing oligonucleotides for molecular biology techniques.
Arrangements of DNA fragments of bioleaching microorganisms and method
Method of identification and quantification of microorganisms useful in the process of bioleaching.

Proyecto (2)

Nucleus Millennium in Information and Randomness
Presidential Fellowship
Servet Martinez

Full professor

Mathematical Engineering

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Jaime San Martin

Principal Investigator



Santiago, Chile

Alejandro Maass

Main Researcher

Center for Mathematical Modeling

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Mauricio Gonzalez

Profesor Titular



Santiago, Chile

Joaquin Fontbona

Associate Professor



Santiago, Chile

Nibaldo Inestrosa

Full Professor


Santiago, Chile

Rodrigo Assar

Adjoint Professor

Facultad de Medicina

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Leonardo Pavez

Profesor Asociado

Instituto de Ciencias Naturales

Universidad de Las Américas

Santiago, Chile

Christian Hodar




Santiago, Chile

Lorena Varela

Assistant Professor

Biological Sciences

Universidad Andres Bello

Santiago, Chile

Martín Montecino


Institute of Biomedical Sciences


Santiago, Chile

Fernando Cruzat

Profesor Asociado


Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, Chile

Maria Cortés

Ingeniero de proyectos

Universidad de Chile

Santiago, Chile

Cristián Serpell

Estudiante Candidato a Doctorado

Departamento de Informática

Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María

Valparaíso, Chile

Jorge Littin

Profesor Asistente


Universidad Católica del Norte

Antofagasta, Chile

Pilar Parada


Facultad de Ciencias de la Vida

Universidad Andrés Bello

Santiago, Chile

Patricio Martinez

Consultor en Biominería Independiente

Consultor en Biominería Independiente

Santiago, Chile