Interactions comunities and time recovering after fire at Torres del Paine National park

Valenzuela, Patricio; Zegers, Gabriel; Arellano, Eduardo; Valenzuela, Patricio


The study follow the initial review about the impacted area for fire occurred in late 2011 in Torres del Paine National Park. The fieldwork allowed us following during 2 years collect data about initial interactions post fire 2011-2012. Furthermore with 1986 and 2011 satellital image has been possible to note passive recovery post fire 1985. Fire 2012 affected 20,057 hectares (USNPS, 2012), 17.054 ha correspond to the Park (CONAF, 2012). According to the National Forestry Institute (INFOR) 2012 estimated that of burned area a 59.7% affected to steppe; 28.6% to scrub or shrubland, 9.7% to native stand and 1.9% other uses. The greater impact was in native stand of Nothofagus sp and shrubs, but just shrubs species have regenerated in many sites. The naturalized grassland species cover burned areas quickly unlikey to native herbaceus in nothofagus stand.

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Fecha de publicación: 2014
Año de Inicio/Término: October 14- October 16, 2014
Idioma: English
Financiamiento/Sponsor: USDA Forest Service; USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station; USDA Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station; Hardwood Tree Improvement & Regeneration Center; Purdue University Department of Forestry & Natural Resources