
Olga De Las Mercedes Lobos Gilabert



Talca, Chile

Líneas de Investigación

Aislamiento y caracterización de bacteriocinas; Rol patogénico de microorganismos de la cavidad oral.; Rol de Escherichia coli en infecciones vaginales; Biological activity of naturally occurring and synthetic compounds; Action mechanisms of bioactive compounds in human cell cultures; Cytotoxicity and antiproliferative activity in human cell cultures; Aislamiento y caracterización de bacteriocinas.; Rol de bacteriocinas de Shigella flexneri en el proceso patogénico.; Potencial rol de Escherichia coli en infecciones vaginales.


  •  Microbióloga, UNIVERSIDAD DE TALCA. Chile, 2008
  •  Licenciada en Biología, Otra. Chile, 1995

Experiencia Académica

  •   Directora Full Time


    Ciencias de la Salud

    Talca, Chile

    2015 - A la fecha

  •   Docente Full Time


    Ciencias de la Salud

    Talca, Chile

    1997 - A la fecha


Article (12)

Virulence genes and antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli taken from women with vaginitis in Talca, Chile
Virulence genes and bacteriocins in Enterococcus faecalis strains isolated from different clinical samples in Maule Region, Chile
Oral colonization by Streptococcus mutans and its association with the severity of periodontal disease in adults
In vitro antimicrobial effect of bacteriocin PsVP-10 in combination which chlorhexidine and triclosan against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus strains
Phenotypic characterization and genomic DNA polymorphisms of Escherichia coli strains isolated as the sole micro-organism from vaginal infections
In vitro antibacterial activity of the peptide PsVP-10 against Streptococcus mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus with and without glycocalyx
Periodontal pathogens in atheromatous plaques isolated from patients with chronic periodontitis
Plasmid-mediated bacteriocin production by Shigella flexneri isolated from dysenteric diarrhoea and their transformation into Escherichia coli
In vitro antibacterial activity of the peptide PsVP-10 against antimicrobial-resistant Enterococcus faecalis isolated from clinical samples
Shigella flexneri strains produce bacteriocins active against members of the human microbial intestinal flora
Effects of the bacteriocin PsVP-10 produced by Pseudomonas sp. on sensitive bacterial strains
Production of antimicrobial substances, by hospital bacteria, active against other micro-organisms

JournalWhole (1)

Mutacins and bacteriocins like genes in Streptococcus mutans isolated from participants with high, moderate, and low salivary count

Review (1)

Virulence, bacterocin genes and antibacterial susceptibility in Enterococcus faecalis strains isolated from water wells for human consumption
Olga Lobos


de Microbiología


Talca, Chile

Carlos Alberto Padilla


Talca, Chile